New! Donate A Mask Art Showcase

Help spread the word about wildfire smoke safety through art.

Why Donate?

Every individual matters

We’re working to give every person in Canada access to the masks and tests they need to live safe, fulfilling lives.

If we all come together, we can keep everyone safe. Because everyone matters.

Every Cent Counts

100% of donations go to vulnerable people in Canada

Donate A Mask is a volunteer-run registered charity that ships free N95 equivalent masks to anyone in Canada who requests them.

Every mask makes a difference

Hear what some recipients have to say

I’m an immunocompromised senior and having these mailed to my home is fabulous! Thanks for looking out for people like me!

Thank you!! As a family of 5 we can’t afford quality masks, you have no idea how much this means to us.

Thank you so much. I’m immunocompromised and need these to go to medical appointments and the grocery store etc. Living on disability money is really tight. These will make a big difference for me.

THANK YOU!!! We are following the science and remain masked indoors to protect ourselves and others. This idea will save lives! Thank you!

More ways to help

Every donation can make a difference in a vulerable person’s life.

Shop for charity

Buy masks, CO2 monitors, and more at our shop. 100% of your purchase goes towards supplies for others.

Donate through Canadahelps

Use CanadaHelps to support vulnerable Canadians and get an automatic tax receipt!


We are 100% volunteer run, and we always need more helping hands.

Need Supplies?

Anyone can request masks or tests

Anyone in Canada can contact us to request N95 equivalent masks (large, regular, or small sizes) and COVID rapid tests (5 tests per box).

Together, we can make sure no Canadian gets left behind

Here to help

We’re proud to be part of a community of people and grassroots organizations working to keep Canadians safe. Reach out to us at any time.

An initiative of the registered charity Evidence-Based Social Enterprises Canada

Charitable Organization Registration Number 754329506RR0001